Maui Glory Days is available as a downloadable eBook with full color photos.
Maui Glory Days is now available from Amazon:
It is available from Amazon in the following formats:
Kindle no photos, just text. $2.99
Kindle Color: This version has the color photos and fixed layout - $4.99
Kindle can be read on any computer. You don't need a Kindle, but you do need to download the free Kindle Reader App found on the Amazon product page.
Print Books
Amazon B&W Paperback: This has color cover but black and white interior photos - $14.99
Amazon Paperback, Color: Color photos printed on high quality paper - $39.99
Where is the color book on Amazon?
Look for the Versions or Other Editions link and twizzle the arrow down until you see the options. May not be available in all countries through your or, etc., so you may have to order from or here on this website. But I'm pretty sure you can get it through Barnes & Noble or many of the indie booksellers.
Why is the color book so damn expensive?
Unfortunately, Print-On-Demand books are expensive to print, or Amazon just likes to make piles of money. I make the same dollar I do on the black and white version as I do on the color, which to me is a better option. 99% of my sales are of color books. Ingram also sells the book through Amazon or 2000 other Indie bookstores.
Do I need a Kindle to read the eBooks? What is the difference between flowable and non-flowable?
No, you can read the eBook by downloading the Kindle Reader app, found on the product page or Google it. The Color eBook looks the same as the paperback, a fixed format, so you wouldn't want to read on anything other than a tablet like iPad or your desktop. Most people have ordered the eBook, liked the story, and then ordered the paperback, as holding a book in hand and getting away from the computer is more of a windsurfing experience. Amazon also gives you a glimpse into the Introduction content and the "Saving Kelby" story, where you can judge for yourself if the book is of interest and my writing style appeals to you.
Where is the color book on Amazon?
Look for the Versions or Other Editions link and twizzle the arrow down until you see the options. May not be available in all countries through your or, etc., so you may have to order from or here on this website. But I'm pretty sure you can get it through Barnes & Noble or many of the indie booksellers.
Why is the color book so damn expensive?
Unfortunately, Print-On-Demand books are expensive to print, or Amazon just likes to make piles of money. I make the same dollar I do on the black and white version as I do on the color, which to me is a better option. 99% of my sales are of color books. Ingram also sells the book through Amazon or 2000 other Indie bookstores.
Do I need a Kindle to read the eBooks? What is the difference between flowable and non-flowable?
No, you can read the eBook by downloading the Kindle Reader app, found on the product page or Google it. The Color eBook looks the same as the paperback, a fixed format, so you wouldn't want to read on anything other than a tablet like iPad or your desktop. Most people have ordered the eBook, liked the story, and then ordered the paperback, as holding a book in hand and getting away from the computer is more of a windsurfing experience. Amazon also gives you a glimpse into the Introduction content and the "Saving Kelby" story, where you can judge for yourself if the book is of interest and my writing style appeals to you.